
CENECO Advisory
March 31, 2020

Our Valued Member-Consumer-Owners (MCOs):


CENECO is re-launching its Short Messaging System (SMS) program to provide its MCOs with quick access to CENECO announcements.


To register, use the following format:


Reg<space>Account Number
Example: Reg 1234567


For billing inquiries:


Bill<space>Account Number
Example: Bill 1234567


Send to any of the following CENECO mobile numbers:
09334621899 (Sun Cellular)
09513450805 (Smart)
09060282012 (Globe)


Once registered, MCOs will be able to receive information and notices through their mobile phones.


For other real time updates, consumers are encouraged to follow CENECO’s official Facebook page ( and website (


CENECO Consumer Advisory March 31, 2020


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